How to get help with setting up and using eduroam?

Individual end users – students, researchers, faculty and staff

Instructions for connecting to eduroam, both for local users and visitors, are provided by participating institutions on their wireless networking web pages.

Users are advised to configure access to eduroam on their home institution campus prior to travelling and using eduroam at a visited institution.

If authentication does not work for some reason, please visit the AARNet Knowledge Base for answers to frequently asked questions or contact your home institution IT help desk to resolve any issues.

Alternatively, users may contact the IT help desk of a visited institution if contacting the home institution’s IT help desk is impractical for any reason.

Note: As the eduroam roaming operator, AARNet does not provide eduroam support for individual end users, only for the IT staff at participating institutions who support eduroam services.

Institution IT Services staff

IT Services staff who wish to deploy eduroam or are experiencing operational difficulties with eduroam services they support on campus that cannot be resolved locally, please email eduroam support so that a ticket can be automatically created and assigned to AARNet technical staff who will then contact you.

Detailed service and technical information is available in the Documentation Library on this website

How safe is eduroam to use?

eduroam is based on the most secure encryption and authentication standards in existence today. Its security by far exceeds typical commercial hotspots.

Be aware though that when using the general Internet at an eduroam hotspot, the local site security measures at that hotspot will apply to you as well.

Learn more about eduroam security

More questions?

You can find answers to more frequently asked questions about eduroam in the AARNet Knowledge Base

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